The Universe isn’t real?

Noble Prize in Physics 2022 has been awarded to Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zellinger for their groundbreaking experiments using entangled quantum states. Anders Irbäck, Chair of the Nobel Committee for Physics said: “It has become increasingly clear that a new kind of quantum technology is emerging. We can see that the laureates’ work with entangled states is of great importance, even beyond the fundamental questions about the interpretation of quantum mechanics”

What is the fundamental philosophical interpretation of @Quantum Entanglement? @Was Einstein wrong? Some scientists might think that our Universe is so weird and unreal. But, so do the Hindus who call our Universe Maya, which means illusion.

The Ultimate Unification Theory unified Science and Spirituality, but not before unifying Relativity Theory and Quantum Mechanics by giving the elusive answer to the fundamental interpretation of Quantum Entanglement.

Referring to the Lorentz transformation formula Gamma Factor, the principle of Particle Accelerator where particles are accelerated close to the speed of light to make them bigger and live longer, to be easier detectable. As well as the Twin paradox and time dilation phenomena for movement close to the speed of light, the presentation is challenging our minds to think outside the box.

But this time it might be more challenging than The Heliocentric system introduced by Aristarchus of Samos in the 3rd Century BC. It took humanity two millennia until the 16 – 17th Century AD to accept that The Earth is not the Centre of The Universe and that it rotates around The Sun.

Once this problem is resolved the presentation introduces the most ancient sacred symbols as a formula unifying the Physical, Psychological and Spiritual Realms.

It also introduces the Fundamental Cosmic Laws;
The Law of ONE
The Law of Polarization and
The Law of Interactions (based on the principle of Resonance and Inductions)

PS: The Introduction of The Ultimate Unification Theory – The first public presentation, was dated July 1992 at The Fifth International Conference on Thinking, at James Cook University – Townsville, Australia.
Thanks to my granddaughter Kimberly, who converted my old Powerpoint presentation file to a video format, I can now put it up on Youtube for a wider audience. (better late than never)


Reflections of a modern-day Mystic

As the culmination of my journey of remembering WHO WE REALLY ARE, my first book “Reflections of a modern-day Mystic – On the origin of human suffering”  is now published at Amazon.

It is a spiritual journey of multiple lifetimes/incarnations seeking to understand the cosmos and the root cause of human sufferings.

Cover with ISBN

Back cover text:

Tan Po Aran was a simple rice farmer living in a remote area somewhere in South East Asia, probably in West Java amongst the Inner Badui tribe. Faraway from any big city, they all lived harmoniously and happily together and so well aligned with their surrounding nature, the rice field. Nothing felt better than to be in the middle of the rice field surrounded by growing rice that undulates nicely when the wind blows. It reminded him of the antediluvian lifestyle he lived before as a Lemurian.

He died in 1932 at the age of 72. And as he left his body, he was engulfed by blissful loving energy. But suddenly he was overwhelmed by a very sad feeling as he picked up the vibrations of humanity heading for war, – the WW II. The sad feeling accompanied by tremendous compassionate energy was so great that pulled him back to incarnate as Bambang Pramana, – the author.

In his search for the root cause of human suffering, he was guided by one of his past incarnations as a 12th Century Chinese scholar, who was involved in establishing the Chinese civilisation based on virtue and harmony. It started with King Wen of the Zhou Dynasty (1046-256 BCE). About a thousand years later the Tang Dynasty reached The Golden Age, which culminated during the Song Dynasty. Unfortunately, the world wasn’t ready. The China Golden Age was disrupted by Mongolian invasion, and The Ming Dynasty had to close their doors from the barbaric outside world.

Now the time has come, and the world will soon be ready for harmonious humanity, leaping from The Path of Separation based on power paradigm onto The Path of Unity based on love, wisdom and compassion.

This book is dedicated to those who are here to help create a better world for humanity.